Good/Best practices through tangible and profitable projects promoting efficiency and energy savings, new ways of life and the active participation of citizens.
Protecting the environment and improving life quality whilst preserving Common goods (= non disposable goods and natural resources) is possible.
This needs to become more than a slogan, it has to be enacted bearing in mind that the current model is no longer sustainable.
NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF VIRTUOUS MUNICIPALITIES was foundedin Italy in 2005 by the municipalities of Colorno (Parma), Monsano (Ancona), Melpignano (Lecce) and Vezzano Ligure (La Spezia). It now has more of 50 members all over Italy.
The 5 guidelines of the Association:
• Management of the territory - (zero new constructions option, reabilitition and reuse of wastelands, participative planning, bio-construction ...)
• Ecological footprint of the functioning of the municipality - (energy efficiency, green acquisition, biological cafeterias...)
• Waste - (“door -to-door “ collection of separated waste, projects for reduction of production and re-use …)
• Sustainable mobility - (car-sharing, car-pooling, public transportation, footbus …)
• New life styles - (autoproduction, short production cycle, seasonal biological food, groups of solidary shopping, turism and sustenable ospitality, promotion of the Culture of Peace, cooperation and solidarity, “unpacked of territories”, extended fair trade, ethic financing …