Repair Café is a huge success, in and outside Holland. It's relatively easy to organise, very low cost and gets lots of attention in the local media. Mostly we work in and together with community centers and recycle shops. But also schools, places for artists, and retirement homes come along.
We ask people a donation when repair is succeeded, from which we pay drink and food, repair tools for ourselves and the rest goes in posters and flyers. We explain that all we do is for free, and most of the times we don't have to pay for a place (or a very small amount).
We take our own repair stuff with us, when we have to replace parts, then people have to pay or go to the shop to get it. We mostly do electrical small machines, clothing, computers and bicycles. We use a 'Quick Scan' and if a repair costs us more than say half an hour, we don't do it. People who have more than one thing to repair, only can do one at a time and then have to go back to the receptiontable and pull another number.
We have free coffee, tea and self-baken muffins, cookies and so on. Our hostesses offer it to the people and talk with them about Repair Café, the old days and other nice stuff.
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