- the development of healthy, inclusive, sustainable and enterprising communities and local economies;
- the active participation and leadership by young men and women in the creation of such communities and economies.
The Bank of I.D.E.A.S. operates from the basic assumption that communities do not develop from the ‘top down’ or from ‘the outside in’. It believes that communities need to build from ‘the inside out’, and for their residents to invest themselves, ideas, assets, capabilities and resources in the process.
This philosophical basis incorporates the following ten operational beliefs:
Meaningful and lasting community change always originates from within, and local residents in that community are the best experts on how to activate that change.
Community residents act responsibly when they care, and support what they create.
Building and nourishing relationships is at the core of building healthy and inclusive communities.
Communities have never been built by dwelling on their deficiencies, needs and problems. Communities respond creatively when the focus is on resources, capacities, strengths and aspirations.
The strength of a community is directly proportional to the level that the diversity of its residents desire, and are able to contribute their abilities and assets to the well being of their community. Every single person has capacities, abilities, gifts and ideas, and living a good life depends on whether those capacities can be used, abilities expressed, gifts given and ideas shared.
In every community something works. Instead of asking ‘What’s wrong, and how to fix it’, ask- ‘What’s worked, and how do we get more of it?’ It generates energy and creativity.
Creating positive change begins simply with conversation. It is the way that human beings have always thought together, and initiated action.
Having fun needs to be a high priority in all community building efforts.
The central factor in sustainable change is local leadership and its continuous development and renewal.
The starting point for change is always mindset and positive attitudes.
Project work by the Bank of I.D.E.A.S. currently involves the following:
- Healthy community development
- Community asset mapping, visioning and planning
Assisted with the formulation of over 100 community plans and the facilitation of over 250 community planning workshops.
- Rural community revitalisation
Involved with over 1000 rural communities in Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, Namibia, USA, UK, Canada and authored six publications / videos on the theme.
- Youth participation and empowerment
Designed and implemented the 'Youth at the Centre' national initiative, aimed at stimulating youth involvement in their rural community's future. Involved in promoting the youth program: ru MAD? (Are You Making A Difference?) through schools across Australia.
- Community and Economic development
Developed LED plans for over 50 communities / regions, authored six publications on the theme and designed methodologies and tools specifically in Australia, New Zealand and South Africa eg. the Business Expansion and Retention Program (B.E.A.R.), Community Opportunity Workshops, First Impressions Exercise, Community Builders Program etc.
- National youth strategy facilitation
Facilitated the development of 20 National Youth Policies / Strategies within the Pacific, Asia, Africa and Middle East. Authored three publications on such themes. Most recent work has been in the Middle East and North Africa Region with management of youth strategy formulation in Bahrain, Somalia and Yemen.
- Youth enterprise promotion
Authored 3 publications on this theme. Popularised this concept in rural communities by designing and implementing the C.R.E.A.T.E. (Creating Rural Entrepreneurial Attitudes Through Education) Initiative through 45 rural sites in Australia.