In part, CARE International is able to deliver large-scale impact based purely on its size and reach. To see this as the full story, however, would be to discount the true scope of the organization’s activities. With a long-term presence in many of the world’s most vulnerable countries, CARE International is well placed to implement a comprehensive approach, involving pre-emergency resilience and preparedness projects, immediate relief operations and longer-term recovery and community rehabilitation. The organization has also been a sectoral leader in its commitment to international standards of accountability and institutional learning.
Looking to the future, CARE International is likely to become an increasingly vocal presence in high-level international debates around strategies to address enduring challenges like maternal health, hunger, gender equality and climate change mitigation and adaptation. This change-focused advocacy represents an important complement to the on-the-ground work of the organization, particularly in a global environment where financial crisis has exacerbated flagging interest in the Millennium Development Goals.
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